126 Mount Olive Church Rd Moultrie, GA 31788

Sunday 10:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m. | (229) 985-4994 | (229) 985-4487

Ladies Study - "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan

Sunday, January 12, 20205:00 PM -Sunday, March 01, 20205:00 PM

Ladies Study - "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan

Begins January 12 – March 1 at 5:00 pm. All ladies are welcome to join us for an 8 week study on “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan. Sunday nights at 5:00 pm in the Women’s Small Group class.

Event Details

Sunday, January 12, 20205:00 PM -Sunday, March 01, 20205:00 PM

Mount Olive Baptist Church

126 Mount Olive Church Rd
Moultrie, GA 31788
